In reviewing your latest digital marketing strategy, perhaps you feel like you’ve dotted all your i’s and crossed all your t’s, yet you’re still not ranking as high as you’d like. You’ve optimized the title tags and meta descriptions and targeted all the right keywords, and you still find yourself scratching your head about why the results aren’t better.
I’ll let you in on a little secret. A great many digital marketers aren’t using rich snippets in their marketing strategies, which means that you have an opportunity to push ahead of your competition. According to a recent Search Engine Watch article, rich snippets make it easier for search engines to crawl your site and interpret your page, which means they can display your listing with richer results.
Google Results Displays Are Evolving
Google used to only display the title, URL and a short description. If you search any keyword today, you’ll find paid ads, questions people ask, related searches and more. And if you take a closer look, you’ll find that some of the listings display richer content than others. Some listings have star ratings, hours, contact details, location, etc. — and others don’t.
Now, pull your website back up and take a look at how the search engine displays it. If you don’t see any of those nice, rich details, don’t fret! I’m going to tell you about several ways to add rich snippets to your listing.
The easiest method I have found for adding rich snippets to a site’s listing is to use a site called The resource was founded by several large tech organizations and intended to share a collection of schemas that give digital marketers maximum benefit for their marketing.’s vocabularies are used to enrich listings and extend valuable site information. Developers and webmasters use the shared vocabulary on to markup their web pages and email messages.
The resource provides code and words that flag the search engines to point to interesting content on your site’s listing. The words may reflect the scope, type or properties of the product, service or topic. I’ve used it on every article that I produce because it has proven to boost my search engine results every time. has many categories of industries. Depending on the type of your business, choose the most appropriate schema. For example, there are schemas for events, products, local businesses, books, music events, music groups, music recordings and many others. If you want to highlight a recipe for your cooking business, you can use markups for ingredients, cook time, preparation time, food category, nutritional value, etc.
You can also use the aggregate rating markup, which will add a simple star rating based on multiple reviews. The markups will give search engines higher-quality information to better understand the intent of the content you posted on your webpage.
All these extra details will alert your potential customers and viewers that your site has something more special to offer than your competitors.
There’s a way to make using markups even easier. If you’re a WordPress user, look for plugins like All In One, WP Rich Snippets and Schema App Structured Data. The plugins will outline the fields for you automatically.
Useful Digital Strategies For Acquiring Rich Snippets
You can certainly rely on or WordPress plugins to enhance your digital marketing strategy. I have used them both and have had amazing results. I’ve also acquired several rich snippets by manually adding HTML tags for lists and tables such as:
• Unordered List Items:
• List Items:
• Ordered List Items:
I still use spreadsheets to track my digital marketing results. Before I complete my listing, I type my keywords into the search box. Then, I review the top three results in the list. These are my competition sites. Next, I get to work creating content that’s richer and better than those three listings.
There’s no doubt about the importance of having high-quality internal links. Don’t forget to pay attention to your external links, as well. I’ve found that adding reputable resources, like government sites, give me the best results.
Be aware that Google and other search engines are in a constant state of evolution. Adding rich snippets to your listing should improve your ranking, but there’s no guarantee. Even if adding rich snippets doesn’t boost your ranking today, you might see an increase in rank tomorrow, next week or next month.
On a positive note, you have nothing to lose by giving it a try. Enhancing your web pages with rich snippets has the potential to improve your ranking significantly and that’s something to get excited about.
I have had stellar results in improving my site rankings, especially when I’ve applied this strategy to blog articles that have 2,500 words or more. Rich snippets get the job done, so get back to the drawing board and enhance your keyword spreadsheet with strategies for enhancing your web listing with attention-grabbing content now. You’ll want to beat your competition to the strategy. You can do it!
Do I qualify?
In reviewing your latest digital marketing strategy, perhaps you feel like you’ve dotted all your i’s and crossed all your t’s, yet you’re still not ranking as high as you’d like. You’ve optimized the title tags and meta descriptions and targeted all the right keywords, and you still find yourself scratching your head about why the results aren’t better.
I’ll let you in on a little secret. A great many digital marketers aren’t using rich snippets in their marketing strategies, which means that you have an opportunity to push ahead of your competition. According to a recent Search Engine Watch article, rich snippets make it easier for search engines to crawl your site and interpret your page, which means they can display your listing with richer results.
Google Results Displays Are Evolving
Google used to only display the title, URL and a short description. If you search any keyword today, you’ll find paid ads, questions people ask, related searches and more. And if you take a closer look, you’ll find that some of the listings display richer content than others. Some listings have star ratings, hours, contact details, location, etc. — and others don’t.
Now, pull your website back up and take a look at how the search engine displays it. If you don’t see any of those nice, rich details, don’t fret! I’m going to tell you about several ways to add rich snippets to your listing.
The easiest method I have found for adding rich snippets to a site’s listing is to use a site called The resource was founded by several large tech organizations and intended to share a collection of schemas that give digital marketers maximum benefit for their marketing.’s vocabularies are used to enrich listings and extend valuable site information. Developers and webmasters use the shared vocabulary on to markup their web pages and email messages.
The resource provides code and words that flag the search engines to point to interesting content on your site’s listing. The words may reflect the scope, type or properties of the product, service or topic. I’ve used it on every article that I produce because it has proven to boost my search engine results every time. has many categories of industries. Depending on the type of your business, choose the most appropriate schema. For example, there are schemas for events, products, local businesses, books, music events, music groups, music recordings and many others. If you want to highlight a recipe for your cooking business, you can use markups for ingredients, cook time, preparation time, food category, nutritional value, etc.
You can also use the aggregate rating markup, which will add a simple star rating based on multiple reviews. The markups will give search engines higher-quality information to better understand the intent of the content you posted on your webpage.
All these extra details will alert your potential customers and viewers that your site has something more special to offer than your competitors.
There’s a way to make using markups even easier. If you’re a WordPress user, look for plugins like All In One, WP Rich Snippets and Schema App Structured Data. The plugins will outline the fields for you automatically.
Useful Digital Strategies For Acquiring Rich Snippets
You can certainly rely on or WordPress plugins to enhance your digital marketing strategy. I have used them both and have had amazing results. I’ve also acquired several rich snippets by manually adding HTML tags for lists and tables such as:
• Unordered List Items: <ul> </ul>
• List Items: <li> </li>
• Ordered List Items: <ol> </ol>
I still use spreadsheets to track my digital marketing results. Before I complete my listing, I type my keywords into the search box. Then, I review the top three results in the list. These are my competition sites. Next, I get to work creating content that’s richer and better than those three listings.
There’s no doubt about the importance of having high-quality internal links. Don’t forget to pay attention to your external links, as well. I’ve found that adding reputable resources, like government sites, give me the best results.
Be aware that Google and other search engines are in a constant state of evolution. Adding rich snippets to your listing should improve your ranking, but there’s no guarantee. Even if adding rich snippets doesn’t boost your ranking today, you might see an increase in rank tomorrow, next week or next month.
On a positive note, you have nothing to lose by giving it a try. Enhancing your web pages with rich snippets has the potential to improve your ranking significantly and that’s something to get excited about.
I have had stellar results in improving my site rankings, especially when I’ve applied this strategy to blog articles that have 2,500 words or more. Rich snippets get the job done, so get back to the drawing board and enhance your keyword spreadsheet with strategies for enhancing your web listing with attention-grabbing content now. You’ll want to beat your competition to the strategy. You can do it!